Begin by finding a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed.
Take the phone off the hook.
Turn off your mobile phone, radio, and television, as well as any unnecessary electrical equipment in the area immediately surrounding where you will be meditating.
Sit or lay down in a comfortable position. This could be on the floor, cross legged with back straight and hands resting on knees, palms facing upward and thumb and first finger held together in the traditional meditation position (you can rest against a wall if you like), or in an arm chair with back straight, feet flat on the ground, and hands resting on thighs with palms flat. If you choose to lay down, this can be either on the ground with feet shoulder width apart, back straight and hands resting gently to the sides, or on a bed in the same position.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold it in and tense up every muscle you can. Exhale and release the tension. Repeat this twice more, making three breath/tensions in total.
Visualize your muscles becoming relaxed and saturated with a brilliant, white light. Start at your toes and work your way up to the top of your head, pay particular attention to the shoulders, jaw and facial area, and any other area that may be causing you particular concern. All the while taking gentle, deep breaths.
If you hear sounds such as cars passing by, people talking, dogs barking etc. Just let these sounds pass over you. Do not judge these sounds, simply allow them to occur and fade away, all the while taking gentle deep breaths.
When you feel sufficiently relaxed, visualize the white light that now soaks your body starting to form waves that travel from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Visualize these waves starting very small and gradually building in intensity, to a level that you feel comfortable with.
Visualize the waves washing away any negative thoughts or negative energies, these thoughts or energies can be visualized as black clouds which are engulfed by the white-light, and gradually disappear, ‘washed’ clean by the waves of healing energy.
When you feel sufficiently ‘cleansed’ by the white light waves, visualize them gradually decreasing in intensity, until once again the white light is as calm as the surface of a pond.
When you feel that the meditation has finished, gradually and gently bring you attention back to your surroundings, and slowly open your eyes. Personally I like to do a few stretches after meditation and just “chillax” for a few minutes before moving on with day to day things.
Peace be with you.
The time is always right to do what is right. - Martin Luther King Jr.
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