Sunday, December 19, 2010

Preksha Meditation and Health

"Dhyana " means the concentration of mind on one object. At any given point of time the mind is said to work on a lot things, places, persons etc. however when the mind is made to detach itself from all these distractions and focused on one entity then concentration is said to occur. According to Hatayoga, Dhyana (meditation) is the most important gate to attaining Samadhi(eternal happiness). The ultimate aim of Yoga is to attain Samadhi.

Samadhi is that state of mind where there is only eternal happiness, there is no pain or sorrow and all beings look only for happiness. When Dhyana happens it takes ultimately the form of Samadhi, or ultimate and eternal happiness. From ancient times a lot of methods of Dhyana came to be practiced, one amongst them is Preksha meditation. It means "see thyself" here seeing does not mean external vision, but a concentrated impartial perception, subtle consciousness by mental insight. Preksha is derived from the Sanskrit word "Pra + iksha" which means to observe carefully. The mind never relaxes even when we sleep. Through Preksha the mind is given auto-suggestion to relax. It is true that breaking the thought process is extremely difficult however it is not impossible. When the mind is constantly studied it becomes all the more restless. In Preksha Dhyana no thought is forcefully stopped. Instead the art of merely observing the thought process without forming any reaction or attaching the self to it is developed. By doing so thoughts themselves cease to come. So the technique of Preksha is a practical way and a powerful instrument for establishing the restless mind.

Preksha Dhyana is the technique of meditation for bringing about a change in behavior, modifying and bringing about an integrated development of personality. It is based on the wisdom of ancient philosophy and has been formulated in terms of modern scientific concept.

Following are the various types of Preksha meditation

Svasa Preksha ( means the awareness of breaths)

Breathing and exhaling is an automatic action of the body. With some practice we can increase the duration of the time in between the breaths also we can lower the count of our breaths. The practice of Svasa Preksha causes amazing results not only on the neuro system but also on the internal organs. When the breathing rate is regular the efficacy of the mind gets increased.

Sharira Preksha (perception of the body)

In Sharira Preksha the various organs and body parts are observed minutely one-by -one with closed eyes. The mind studies the whole body from the top of the head to the toes of the feet and all the body parts are focused on. The vibrations occurring on them blood circulation, biological functions are studied. Merely by observing the mind gets so sharp that it gets the healing power.

Chetanya Kendra Preksha(perception of the physique centers)

Preksha of various glands, endocrine system is called Chetanya Kendra Preksha. Our body is sorrounded by an electro-magnetic field. There are specific zones in our body that are prone to these electro magnetic fields. Once we concentrate on these parts of our body through Chetanya Kendra Preksha we will be able to overcome our anger fears and endless worries. By meditating at the naval region our adrenaline glands get activated.

It is difficult to define the sweetness of sugar without actually ever tasting it, it is difficult to learn swimming without going into the depths of water so also it is difficult to explain Dhyana without ever experiencing it. So we have to learn the technique of meditation with the help of some experienced experts. Preksha Dhyana can be learnt and practiced by anybody, normally a ten day camp is a suitable means to acquire a basic training.

For merely relaxing oneself from tension and fatigue 15-20 minutes are sufficient. For a successful meditation session no fixed time can be prescribed. The practitioner has to look at his convenience and the purpose.

Perception technique


Posture is an important feature of the exercise. The practitioner must remain quiet, motionless and alert for the duration of the exercise. Strain or discomfort must be avoided during the session. Any of the following postures may be chosen-

  • Lotus Posture (Pdamasana)
  • Half Lotus posture( Ardha Padmasana)
  • Simple posture ( Sukhasana)

Mudra-The position of the practitioners hands is called Mudra.

Keep your right hand on your right knee and likewise your left hand on the left knee, palms facing upwards. Touch the index fingers to the tips of the thumb. Keeping the spine and back upright keep the eyes closed lightly.

1st Step

Relaxation (Kayotsarg) For a successful session of meditational practice, it is necessary to relax the whole body tension.

Concentrate your mind on each part of the body from the toe to the head part by part one by one.

Allow each part of the body to relax by the process of auto suggestion and feel that it has become relaxed.

2nd Step

An internal journey(Antaryatra)

This exercise promotes better generation of the nervous energy which is essential for the subsequent meditation practice.

Maintain the posture focus your full attention on the bottom of the spine called the Sakti Kendra direct it to travel along the spinal cord to the top of the head-Jnana Kendra. When you reach the top, direct it to move downwards taking the same path until you reach Sakti kendra again. Repeat the exercise for about 5-7 minutes.

With complete awareness notice the life energy and the vibrations occurring in the back of the spinal cord.

But why do we chose this method?

Starting from the Sakti Kendra (i.e. the anterior end of the backbone) the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems reach towards the Gyana Kendra ( the top most region of the head where the head-Knot is tied). When these two get activated the life energy gets increased.

3rd Step


Breath is the source of vital energy and the source of life.

a) First make the breath slow and rhythmic. From both the nostrils breathe out air slowly and then breathe in very slowly. Practise this for at least 2-3 minutes.

b) Now bring your attention to the naval region, observe it with closed eyes, while breathing out it comes in and while breathing in it expands. Perform this technique for at least 5 minutes.

c) Feel the breathing has become slow, deep and rhythmic.

d) Shift the attention from the naval and focus it inside the nostrils, at the tip of the nose. Now become fully aware of each and every breath. Not even a single breath should come in or leave without your knowledge. Feel the freshness of the incoming breath(oxygen) and the warmth of the outgoing breath( carbon-di-oxide).This exercise is also to be performed for 5 minutes.

If the mind wanders away from the breath then hold the breath for a few seconds (Kumbhak). But beware not to force the breath in. Do not stop thoughts forcefully even if they keep coming one by one then only observe them without getting involved. Once the art of observing is perfected then the thoughts will stop coming by themselves

Maintain awareness during the whole Sadhna practice.

In the end take one or two deep long breaths and open eyes slowly to end the practice. For the beginners a practice of 15-20 minutes is sufficient and can be increased slowly with practice. We will go into greater detail later on.

Some empirical results of Preksha Dhyana

1 Balance between activity and rest: relaxation.

2 Development of will power.

3 Purity of the mind.

4 Increase of the tolerance power.

5 Peace of mind.

6 Change of mental attitude

7 Prevention and cure of psychosomatic diseases

8 Effortless concentration: freedom from nervous and emotional tensions.

From the works of Acharya Mahapragya

Compiled by Mrs. Vidya Jain

Monday, October 18, 2010


If we wish to regain
Peace and Happiness,
we will have to affect
a balance between
Action and Inaction.

- Acharya Mahapragya

Kayotsarg: Self Awareness by Relaxation

  • Kayotsarg is a great solution to mental and emotional stress.
  • A Mantra for emotional well being.
  • A Must to combat the stress of modern days urban lifestyle.
  • Its a practice to switch off the mind for a while.
  • A great method for realizing separate existence of soul from body.
  • It gives a way to come face to face with the Self.
  • It's a key to dissolve the 'I'.

Kayotsarg literally means abandonment of body, thoughts and mind and get absorbed only in the conscious self. It also means Self Awareness by complete relaxation and inactivity. It is an important meditation in Preksha meditation system.


Take the concentration to the big right toe of right leg. Suggest it to get relaxed and feel it. Similarly take the concentration to each and every part of the body one by one, Suggest it to get relaxed and feel it. Bring the entire body, from toe of right leg up to the head to complete relaxation.

Once the body is completely relaxed, the muscles get demagnetized, the flow of nerve current reduces and breathing calms down.

In this calm state, recall the fact of separate existence of soul from the body. Soul and body are two different entities. The soul is different from the body. Try to feel this fact. Try to live this fact.

Getting deeper with the fact, now simply feel the existence of soul. Completely forget about the body. Try to be with the self with out any hindrance. Forget everything. Just be in this state of emptiness for as much time as you like. Get deeper and deeper into the emptiness, into the meditation.

This state is condusive to come face to face with the self, to come closer to the self. In this inactive state when all the bodily activities are low, there is a good chance to see the activities of consciousness, to come closer in witnessing the consciousness.

Online Audio for this meditation

Play this half hour audio to practice this meditation:

Which posture and when

It can be practiced in standing, sitting or lying down posture. Important thing is maintaining immobility of body. If one is tired or as a beginer, lying down posture could be more convenient. If someone wants to practice in morning or already feeling relaxed then standing posture could be the choice. It can be practiced anytime in a day. A good suggestion is to practice it in same time every day. Practice it for 30 mins, 45 mins or more as per interest.

Some Facts

  1. Observations have shown that half hour of meditation is more refreshing than 2 hours of sleep.
  2. Keeps the heart healthy, very good for people with heart complications. Thousands of patients with heart related problem got cured through kayotsarg in Adhyatma Sadhana Kendra, Delhi and in other Preksha centers.
  3. 45 mins of regular practice is very helpful for curing sleep disorders.

Complete detail on Kayotsarg can be found online in the book

The greatest achievement of our lives is ‘Peace Of Mind’.

Without it, life becomes dreary.

Achieving such calm should be the ultimate goal of our life.

- Acharya Shree Mahapragya

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Restless Mind - The Constantly Thinking Mind

The natural tendency of the mind is to be restless. Thinking seems to be a continuous and ongoing activity. The restless mind lets thoughts come and go incessantly from morning till night. They give us no rest for a moment. Most of these thoughts are not exactly invited; they just come, occupy our attention for a while, and then disappear.

Our true essence can be likened to the sky, and our thoughts are the clouds. The clouds drift through the sky, hide it for a while and then disappear. They are not permanent. So are thoughts. Because of their incessant movement they hide our essence, our core, and then move away to make room for other thoughts.

Thoughts resemble the waves of the ocean, always in a state of motion, never standing still. These thoughts arise in our mind due to many reasons. There is a tendency on the part of the mind to analyze whatever it contacts. It likes to compare, to reason, and to ask questions. It constantly indulges in these activities.

Everyone's mind has a kind of a filter, which allows it to accept, let in certain thoughts, and reject others. This is the reason why some people occupy their minds with thoughts about a certain subject, while others don't even think about the same subject.

Why some people are attracted to football and others don't? Why some love and admire a certain singer and others don't? Why some people think incessantly about a certain subject, and others never think about it? It is all due to this inner filter.

This is an automatic unconscious filter. We never stop and say to certain thoughts 'come' and to others we say 'go away'. It is an automatic activity. This filter was built during the years. It was and is built constantly by the suggestions and words of people we meet, and as a consequence of our daily experiences.

Every event, happening or word has an affect on the mind, which produces thoughts accordingly. The mind is like a thought factory, working in shifts day and night, producing thoughts.

The mind also gets thoughts directly from the surrounding world. The space around us is full of thoughts, which we constantly pick, let pass through our minds, and then pick up new ones. It is like catching fish in the ocean, throwing them back into the water and then catching a new ones.

This activity of the restless mind occupies our attention all the time. Now our attention is on this thought and then on another one. We pay a lot of energy and attention to these passing thoughts. Most of them are not important. They just waste our time and energy.

This is enslavement. It is as if some outside power is always putting a thought in front of us to pay attention to. It is like a relentless boss constantly giving us a job to do. There is no real freedom. We enjoy freedom only when we are able to still the mind and choose our thoughts. There is freedom, when we are able to decide which thought to think and which one to reject. We live in freedom, when we are able to stop the incessant flow of thoughts.

Stopping the flow of thoughts may look infeasible, but constant training and exercising with concentration exercises and meditation, eventually lead to this condition. The mind is like an untamed animal. It can be taught self-discipline and obedience to a higher power. Concentration and meditation show us in a clear and practical manner that we, the inner true essence, are this controlling power. We are the bosses of our minds.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Meditate on your soul

I now withdraw my attention away from the world around me.........
My eyes are open and rested.............
I focus my thoughts energy on myself ....
I the being of light.........
Thoughts of the outside world gradually fade away as I feel a burden being lifted from my mind.......
I see my physical on the screen of my mind ...
I realize that I am not my physical body, it is merely an instrument for the transport of my soul.....
I am an eternal point of life positive energy....
This point of energy is the life force of the body......
In this state of awareness I become pure energy and consciousness........
Thoughts emerging on the screen of my mind are being viewed like watching a movie on a picture screen......
I allow the negative thoughts to pass without being distracted by them .......
For I am an eternal radiant light ..
Shinning like a star in the midnight sky........
I concentrate my thoughts on this one aspect ...That I am a concentrated spark of light ....
Radiating light and love to the world.......
As my thoughts concentrate I fill with power ....
I become light .....
I find deep peace within.

It is best to meditate on a daily basis.

Meditating every day will make the mind healthy, positive and prosperous.

Waves of light meditation

Begin by finding a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed.

Take the phone off the hook.

Turn off your mobile phone, radio, and television, as well as any unnecessary electrical equipment in the area immediately surrounding where you will be meditating.

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position. This could be on the floor, cross legged with back straight and hands resting on knees, palms facing upward and thumb and first finger held together in the traditional meditation position (you can rest against a wall if you like), or in an arm chair with back straight, feet flat on the ground, and hands resting on thighs with palms flat. If you choose to lay down, this can be either on the ground with feet shoulder width apart, back straight and hands resting gently to the sides, or on a bed in the same position.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold it in and tense up every muscle you can. Exhale and release the tension. Repeat this twice more, making three breath/tensions in total.

Visualize your muscles becoming relaxed and saturated with a brilliant, white light. Start at your toes and work your way up to the top of your head, pay particular attention to the shoulders, jaw and facial area, and any other area that may be causing you particular concern. All the while taking gentle, deep breaths.

If you hear sounds such as cars passing by, people talking, dogs barking etc. Just let these sounds pass over you. Do not judge these sounds, simply allow them to occur and fade away, all the while taking gentle deep breaths.

When you feel sufficiently relaxed, visualize the white light that now soaks your body starting to form waves that travel from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Visualize these waves starting very small and gradually building in intensity, to a level that you feel comfortable with.

Visualize the waves washing away any negative thoughts or negative energies, these thoughts or energies can be visualized as black clouds which are engulfed by the white-light, and gradually disappear, ‘washed’ clean by the waves of healing energy.

When you feel sufficiently ‘cleansed’ by the white light waves, visualize them gradually decreasing in intensity, until once again the white light is as calm as the surface of a pond.

When you feel that the meditation has finished, gradually and gently bring you attention back to your surroundings, and slowly open your eyes. Personally I like to do a few stretches after meditation and just “chillax” for a few minutes before moving on with day to day things.

Peace be with you.


The time is always right to do what is right. - Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meditation on Positive Thinking

I sit relaxedLight Positive Thinking
And begin to harness the power of my mind
For this meditation
We will allow the natural thoughts To flow
I have a thought that I am a peaceful positive being
I create the thought that I am a positive individual
And I maintain positive thoughts in every situation
I seek solutions to problems
And I focus in on the answers And not on the problems
I constantly fill my mind with positive powerful thoughts
I focus to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts
So that the light of positive thinking empowers me
These real thoughts bring a good feeling in my mind
I am a powerful positive being
I am a being of light
And as light I am carefree
As light I am beyond the dramas and chaos of those around me
My only important task is to be powerful in positive thinking
When I have tension I am creating positive thoughts
I do not experience any tension
I am positive powerful being of light
I am an eternal being of light
Any thought that is negative I let it pass
And keep the shining powerful mindset in place
I constantly generate positive powerful thoughts
Positive powerful thoughts are those of an eternal nature
They are who I really am
Just an eternal wonderful, radiant being
Of positive energy
And in this light my positive mindset cannot be shaken
By any adverse or negative situation that is around me
For I am the lighthouse
Shining within the storm of negativity of the world
But this powerful light I will forever keep ignited
And I let love be the eternal oil
That fuels this eternal flame of light
And a love to keep myself illuminated
By this meditation
That I will forever practice.

Hope you enjoy this positive thinking meditation

Thursday, August 5, 2010


All of us have an "Inner Observer" who comments on what we do.

Worry can make a small problem big.

To change your attitude, change your mind.

You are responsible for your thinking. Change your thinking and life will get better. But, what thoughts do you change? Your troublesome thoughts about a situation can easily be found in your self-talk. Self-talk is that inner running dialogue you have with yourself. It is what you tell yourself about life's situations.

All of us have a voice that talks to us. You might think of it as your conscience. It might be that "inner observer" who seems to sits in the corner and watches everything you do. You may recognize it as that voice that starts talking to you upon awakening in the morning. Sometimes it may wait until you look in the mirror before it actually speaks. It is that voice that says, "You sure are handsome." or "What a wonderful person you are." Or "You are going to have a great day." It might say, "You are so slim and your hair looks beautiful." If you don’t' recognize this voice then yours may be speaking to you in a different tone. You might be hearing, "You look like crap today" or "You sure have gained a lot of weight." "Your hair is a mess." "It's is a terrible day! Get back in bed." This voice, the negative, critical one, is one of the main reasons we have so many problems. It can destroy resiliency by opening the flood gates and draining away your energy.

This voice can make anything worse. You may be like most people and know how to take any small problem, think about it for awhile, and have a bigger problem. That little voice keeps telling you what might go wrong. All of the dark possibilities are pointed out. The imagination creates a very bad situation. The problem goes from a mild annoyance to a major catastrophe as you convince yourself that the imagined situation is the real situation. You are now busy confronting a problem that only exists in your mind.

Any response, at this point, is going to be out of proportion to the original problem. The normal reaction to the original problem is most likely some degree of emotional distress. If you have been laid off from a job, you may be feeling some combination of tense, worried, anxious, sad, irritated, frustrated, or angry. All of these are normal emotions for the experience. However, that inner voice may be busy exaggerating, " This is horrible and terrible. It is the world’s worst thing. You will never find another job. You are a hopeless and helpless person. No one will ever hire you. You won’t be able to pay your bills. You will lose everything you have. You should just give up." With such a running dialogue you will soon fall into depression or become enraged at your imagined mistreatment. In a deep depression you may decide that the situation is hopeless and become suicidal. In a state of rage you may act in an inappropriate, violent manner towards your former employer. Either reaction is too intense because the response is to a situation you have created in your mind. Change your mind, your attitude, and the problem can shrink back to its original size. The original problem may be bad enough but it is not the catastrophe you have invented.

To change your attitude you must change the inner dialogue. To change the dialogue you must catch it in action. To do this you have to pay attention to yourself. You must engage in self-observation and listen for that inner voice.

The next time that you find yourself feeling "bad" don’t start asking, "Who did this to me?" Don’t start looking around for the external cause of your problems. What you should do is to ask yourself, "What have I been thinking?" "What have I been telling my self?" You may find that your inner dialogue has put you deep into emotional distress